Shoulder Pain
Both our Chiropractor’s knowledge of the shoulder is exceptional, having extra sports qualifications means they can diagnose and treat common shoulder problems, dramatically decreasing your chance of surgery.
Both our Chiropractor’s knowledge of the shoulder is exceptional, having extra sports qualifications means they can diagnose and treat common shoulder problems, dramatically decreasing your chance of surgery.
Pelvic pain can be caused for a variety of reasons, our Chiropractors are recommended by the Pelvic Partnership charity and will be able to determine the likely source of your pelvic pain and manage it correctly.
Our Chiropractors have a vast knowledge of what can cause symptoms at the wrists and hands and how to manage them. Sports Chiropractors are particularly adept at treating extremities.
Providing excellence in patient care is, and has always been, at the heart of what we do at the Longlevens Chiropractic Sports Injury clinic. To receive official recognition of this from the Royal College of Chiropractors, with Commendation, is fabulous and I am so proud of my dedicated and superb team.
PPQM – Patient Partnership Quality Mark – what does it mean? Basically, we are a Chiropractic Healthcare clinic with a patient focused approach. We work with you and actively involve you in your care, and tailor each treatment plan to suit each patient. In doing so, we achieve excellence not only in our results (of fundamental importance, you will agree), but also in things like our clinic environment, our policies and procedure, the education and information we provide, and your confidentiality.
Putting Patients First will always be at the heart of what we do. It forms one of the most crucial and basic values upon which Simon Rose built the strong reputation of our clinic, and to which our wonderful reception team works to.
We don’t, however, plan to sit back and bask in the glory of the award – we plan to improve continuously as much as we can. This is why we are implementing a new feedback and suggestions scheme – let me know what you like best and least about the clinic, and what you would like to see change, and you will be entered into our prize draw to win a hot stone massage with Kate West!
Lastly but by no means least, as really he did steal the show at last week’s award ceremony, congratulations to Danny (and also to Mentor Simon Rose) on his prestigious and highly sought after award. It was a close contest but deservedly won by Danny who has made an outstanding start to his Chiropractic career with us, and is very highly regarded among patients and professionals alike.
Leah Rose
We are very excited about our trip to London this Wednesday 30th January, where Simon Rose will be presented with our Patient Partnership Quality Mark Award and Danny Adams will receive his Graham Heale Award at the Royal College of Chiropractor’s AGM.
In readiness we have had a new sign fitted to the front of our clinic, telling everyone that we provide an outstanding level of patient care. We are very proud, and we look forward to showing off our Awards to you when we get home!
The Ilio Tibial Band (ITB) is the longest tendon in the body, it originates from the anterior iliac crest outer lip, anterior border of the ilium and the outer surface of anterior superior iliac spine. As well as from the Gluteus Maximus and Tensor Fascia Lata muscles. (In normal words that is an area of the upper outer edge of the pelvis, the muscles originating from the very front upper outer region of the pelvis and part of your bum muscle). Previously thought of as just a connective piece of tissue, recent research has found that tendons and fascia do in fact often contain smooth muscle fibers. ‘Smooth’ muscle fibers are the type more often found in the gut, ‘striated’ fibers are found in the muscles of movement attached to the joints. It aids in leg abduction (leg raising directly out to the side) and force distribution through the leg, it is also an important player in producing fascial tension that supports the Thoraco Pelvic Canister and therefore the lower back.
ITBS basically is due to repetitive rubbing of the band on the outer part of the knee (lateral femoral condyle), this leads to thickening of the band over time and eventually irritation that takes a number of months to resolve if not managed correctly. Self management of the lower limbs and building good movement patterns when not in pain are key to preventing this injury from coming back.
ITB Syndrome can be self managed in a variety of ways- a foam roller, tennis ball and an Ice pack are your key utensils to getting over this condition. Many rehab ‘specialists’ will recommend simply using a foam roller on the ITB to stretch it out (youtube it to see). However, there is so much more you can do to help this problem. It requires a lot of time and effort but the results will come a lot faster than simply ice and ITB foam rolling. A home treatment plan is not within the scope of this post and causes will differ from one person to another so a bio-mechanical assessment by a movement specialist is what we would recommend getting and a second opinion is always something worth considering. Just remember, the whole lower limb has to function correctly, not just one area. It is all related – foot, knee and hip, though it is the connecting musculature and fascia that are the cause of the problem with some areas more related to the ITB than others.
Sports Chiropractors at this clinic are movement specialists with further qualifications in sports science. We are constantly reading the latest books and research to enable us to get your body functioning better (not just the latest rehabilitation fad!). If you are suffering from ITBS or repeatedly suffer, then contact us for more info and advice.
It’s exciting times for the Longlevens Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic! On 30th January 2013 we will be awarded the prestigious Patient Partnership Quality Mark (PPQM) 2013 – 2015 by the College of Chiropractor’s, who were themselves recently awarded Chartered status by the Queen.
The College of Chiropractor’s states: “The College of Chiropractors believes that chiropractic services should be centred on the users of those services. The College supports the delivery of services that are flexible and responsive to the needs of patients, acknowledging them as partners in their own care.” (Tim Jay DC FCC, President)
The award recognises the achievement of outstanding levels of care and service provided to patients, in areas including cleanliness and safety, communication and patient education, privacy, accessibility and record keeping. More information will follow and of course pictures, after the 30th January ceremony!
In addition to the PPQM award, one of the Longlevens Chiropractic & Sports Injury Clinic’s Chiropractors, Danny Adams, will be presented with an award identifying him as Outstanding PRT Chiropractor of the Year on the College of Chiropractor’s postgraduate Training Scheme, under Mentor and Clinic Director, Simon Rose.
Congratulations also to Danny (who has been busy!) for recently achieving his International Chiropractic Sports Science Diploma, awarded by the International Federation of Sports Chiropractic. This post doctoral qualification ensures extremely high standards of theoretical and practical competency in treating sports injuries and qualifies him to participate in major national and international events such as the Olympic Games.
More information will follow soon about all of the above.
We would like to send all of our patients and friends our very best wishes for Christmas and the New Year!! Happy Christmas!!