Your safety is of paramount important to us. The following information details some of the key policies and procedures that we have put in place to ensure that we are working as safely as possible for all patients, visitors, staff and colleagues. These policies and procedures form part of an extensive risk assessment process and are under constant review. Patient and visitor feedback is invited and welcome as part of this process.
If you or anyone in your household develops any symptoms of Coronavirus, including persistent cough, temperature or fever, loss of taste and/or smell, muscular aches that are not related to your injury, or general feelings of being unwell you must not come to the clinic and you must contact us to let us know and re-schedule your appointment.
Masks are still mandatory within the clinic building.
You must use hand sanitiser when you enter and when you leave the clinic.
When you book an appointment with us you may request an invoice be emailed to you so that you can prepay using internet banking if you would like to.
We are accepting card payments and exact cash only (in order to minimise cash handling we are not providing change but will instead hold any over payments on account for you which can be refunded should treatment no longer be required).
The forms that we require patients to complete are emailed in password protected pdf format and will be sent to you before your appointment so that you may complete them before you attend.
We are still providing paper copies upon arrival if you prefer, but completing them at home and either returning them by email or by bringing them with you printed out will help to minimise risk and to ensure the smooth running of appointments.
The information that we supply to new patients in leaflet format will be sent to you as a pdf ahead of your appointment for you to read.
When you arrive to your appointment please wait in your car or on the driveway until the exact time of your appointment if you are able to do so, please only enter clinic early if you have paperwork or forms to complete in order that we may minimise and better manage the number of people in the reception area at any one time.
Anyone who attends your appointment with you must comply with all Covid-19 policies and procedures.
Our practitioners will be wearing PPE.
If possible/appropriate please arrive wearing comfortable clothing such as sports wear. If you are bringing clothes to change into please bring a suitable bag to put your original clothing into and leave in your change of clothes, do not change back into your original clothing.
PPE is changed and treatment rooms and facilities are cleaned down in between patients.
If you would like to find out more about our clinic, or how we could help you, please do not hesitate to get in touch. You can use the contact us page of this website or phone 01452 309372.